lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

Formal letter writing

Whose responsability is to prevent crime? Write a letter to the editor explaining your views. Give specific examples of what people can do to protect themselves and their neighbours
-Start your letter with "Dear editor"
-Follow the plan on page 93
-Use "Useful expressions":

  • Introductory comments 1
  • Agreeing 3
  • Explaining you views 2
  • Claryfing 2

Dear editor,
I am a resident of Adrogue. I heard the incidents of robbery have been rising. In my opinion, the responsibility to prevent crime is from the gobernment and police officers. That is to say, they should do more things to prevent crime.
There are many things they could do. I fully agree that responding to crime quickly would prevent many crimes. I also fully support installing cameras on the streets, preventing car theft. I am in agreement with organising conferences. That is to teach citizens how to protect their homes, tell them to have alarms and sensors, get railings, avoid taking out the garbage at night, avoid talking to strangers an organize groups of neighbous to prevent burglaries. I don't agree with hiring patrols on foot and cars because there are patrols already in the streets but the crime continues rising.
Finaly I believe there are many posible ways of reducing crimes rate and thatthey should be done.

Review: Oh Romeo Oh Romeo!


In my opinion the play was very interesting and understandable, consequently i liked it. In particular i loved the idea of miting shakes peare's characters from different stories. Personally, i believe the writers thought about the audience, especially in making it funny, when writing the script.

What's more, it is a very good idea to make Romeo selfish and self centered and on the other hand making Juliet disgusting and as a result her parents desperate. From the artistic point of view the props and notably the costumes were perfect and well done.

I don't agree with the length of the video, i think it was vey long although that made ir successful. Alternatively, miting items from the present with tha past was a very good idea. Finally, all their effort made the play successful, as they won the first prize

domingo, 11 de octubre de 2015

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

Mati y sus mateaventuras

En la clase Ticx estamos trabajando con matemática. Tomas una historia que explica un tema de mateática de a grupos de a dos (yo lo hice con Maite Abelleira). En word cambiamos algunas cosas como el titutula, la fuente, el tamaño, etc. Por ultimo juntamos todas las historias en un solo word.

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

Llegar a cero: ONUSIDA

ONUSIDA es una organización que hace 15 años que lucha contra el SIDA. Los objetivos que proponen son tres

  • Que el virus no se propague más, "CERO" infección.
  • Que no se discrimine a las personas que tienen SIDA, "CERO" discriminación.
  • Que no haya mas muertes, "CERO" muertes.
El titulo "llegar a cero" se refiere a cumplir estos objetivos difundiendo la información por América Latina, y que juntos lo podemos lograr.

Está en nuestras manos

Este afiche muestra lo que se deberia hacer para saber si padeces SIDA o tambien llamado VIH. El titulo del afiche "Está en nuestras manos" se refiere a que es nuestra responsabilidad prevenir el VIH y si ya lo tenés saber tratarlo adecuadamente o tambien que está en nuestras manos decidir si cuidarte o no. Los temas de los que habla el afiche son que hay gente que no sabe que tiene VIH, se recomienda hacer un test para asegurarse ya que este diagnóstico podria darte una mejor calidad de vida. Sin embargo si estas internado tambien debes realizar el test por precaución. Finalmente comenta que debes usar preservativo siempre.

  • Realizamos una nube de tags con los conceptos o palabras que nos parecieron mas importantes.