lunes, 17 de abril de 2017

Essay writing: fitness and health

We often hear that it is important for people to be aware of what they eat and the exercise they do. In fact, since obesity is a world problem it is essential for people to know their health condition and prevent this illness. Two possible solutions for this issue could be advertisement and education.

To begin with, promoting a healthy lifestyle and sports through the media could be a solution. Using advertisement these ideas will reach more people than other methods. Most people watch TV or they will see posters when they go outside. On the other hand, making this campaign would be too expensive.

Another method to solve this problem is to use education. If children are educated from a young age on the importance of a healthy lifestyle, they will be used to it when they grow up and it will be easier for them to implement. Although this is a good methodm the only problem is that it takes the kids a long time to learn.

As a conclusion, I believe both methods are necessary to solve this problem since advertising could be aimed to adults and education to young children. In addition, education will definitely be the most effective in the long run because when the kids grow up they will still use everything they learned.

Essay writing : use of private cars in the city centre

In writing class we are working on essay writing and their structure. For this class we had to write an essay on the importance of reducing the amount of private cars being used in the city centre.

We often hear that there are too many cars being used in the city centre and that something should be done about it. Not only do cars produce air and noise pollution but they also cause accidents and traffic jams when roads are not properly prepared. In this essay I will discuss two possible methods to discourage the use of private cars.

One of the methods could be for the government to invest money in the improvement of public transport. If people notice the quality of public transport is improved, they won't feel the need to use private cars. In this case, as more people than usual will be using public transport to travel, it has to be well prepared and adapted for that number of people.

Additionally, educating people on this issue is another method to solve the problem. If people learn why the use of private cars has a negative impact on the city and their lives, and they are given a good alternative they will,  most likely, change their preferred means of transport. On the other hand, money has to be invested for this method to be effective, and the government might not want or be able to.

As a conclusion, I believe both methods should be used to reduce the amount of private cars being used in the city centre. If combined, education will teach people about the advantages of public transport and they will switch to it if it is in good conditions.