lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

Enviromental Management.

we worked in Enviromental Management with scribble maps and we did in google docs a chart about the biomes and their location, climate, flora and fauna.

the north of asia, U.S.A, and the south of Groenland
Eurasia and North America
the north of africa, the south of usa, oceania, south america
africa, northern Oceania, South Asia, and South America
 grasslands are in the middle latitudes or in the interiors of continents
southern Europe, southern Oceania, chile and very tiny parts of U.S.A

cold: 45 or 50° F in summe and  -20° to -30°F in winter.
from -54º to -1ºc in winter and -7ºc in summer
The average annual temperature of these miles of hot sand is 64° F (18° C).
climate: 20° - 30° C.summer . 20° - 25° C winter.
 as low as -40° F and in summer as high 70° F
 The temperature range is between 30° and 100° F.

there are acuatic plants and terrestrial plants.
Balsam Fir  is often used as a Christmas tree
Barrel cactus:of it cylinder-shaped body.
baobab,bermuda grass, candelabra tree,elephant grass,jarrah tree
Grass, Sunflower, Crazy Weed, Asters, Blazing Stars, Coneflowers, Goldenrods and Clover.

48 species of animals,shrews, hares, rodents, wolves, foxes, bears and deers.
Hot and Dry Deserts animals include small nocturnal carnivores, insects, arachnids, reptiles, and birds.
 lions, leopards, cheetahs, jackals and hyenas.
80 species of animals and 300 species of birds
Aardwolf, Black-tailed Jackrabbit, Cactus Wren, Golden Jackal, Grey Fox, Isand Grey Fox, Puma.

this is the scribble map.

My favourite country. It have al least  42.000.000 habitants.  We have the pope that is from Argentina, The best of football player ir from Argentina. Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Praguay, and Bolivia are neighbours of Argentina. 

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