sábado, 30 de mayo de 2015

Writing a short story

In the class we were asked to write a story so as to show the theory we learnt. We were asked to use and underline:

  • Five connectors
  • Three sequence markers (first, then...)
  • Two examples of direct speech
Mark couldn't believe his good luck, After two years of waiting he obtained the scholarship abroad he always wanted. What's more his father agreed to pay for the plane he had to take to get there, he was leaving the following day.
-Are you sure this is what you want for your life?- his father told him -Be away from your family?-
Mark was very sure, however, he was obviously going to miss his family. After telling his parents, he started to pack all the things he was going to need, even though most of the things were just books, then he had a shower. Finally he had dinner with his parents, during dinner they spoke about Mark's trip.
-We are going to miss you Mark. We really wish you have a nice time- Said his mother almost crying.
Mark spent the whole dinner trying to calm down his mother, however this was imposible.
The following day he woke up very early to catch the plane. He went to the airport with his parents, who were almost crying, Especially when he got on the plane and the plane started. When he landed, Mark couldn't stop thinking about his family and friend who were far away.     

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