martes, 23 de mayo de 2017

Informal letter

Dear Delfi,
I´m really sorry not to have been in touch for such a long time. I´ve been busy preparing for my exams. You told me in your email that you´re getting stressed out about your exams next week.
You asked me for tips for remembering stuff. First, I would recommend you to get some free time. You should relax your mind before you begin studying. If all you do in your free time is study, you won´t remember anything. I remember when I was studying for my last exams someone had to tell me to calm down and when I did I suddenly could remember everything.
Furthermore, I suggest you don't study everything in one day. Dividing the information will make it easier for you to remember. Your mind won't be able to concentrate if you study for long periods of time. You should take breaks every 25 to 30 minutes to distract yourself. Moreover, if you haven't already, you could try waking up earlier, you will be rested if you study before school. I find this method very effective if you are well rested. In addition, it helps to revise the parts you need more on the day of the exam.
I hope you take my tips in consideration. Please let me know if they are useful and how you do on your exams.
All the best,

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